Sunday, December 16, 2012

Macaroni and Cheese

I've been naughty. I let a small craving turn into something of a full blown GIVE IT TO ME NOW AND NOBODY GETS HURT yesterday. Phew. Ok. I'm better now that I was able to fulfill the urge yesterday.

Homemade macaroni and cheese is much different from the stuff you get in a box. It takes a few more minutes to make than just ripping open the orange cheese packet and dumping it on the noodles with some milk and butter. I'm also not talking about the cut up some processed cheese log into chunks and melt with some milk and noodles and call that macaroni and cheese. (lots of "ands" being thrown around today!)

My version of mac n cheese is a base roux with milk, shredded cheese, salt, pepper, and noodles. I tend to use a Mexican cheese blend of cheeses that are found in the bagged cheese aisle of your store. Feel free to use cheddar or really, any type of cheese that melts well.

Note: as in all my recipes I use real butter. I have no clue how a margarine would hold up.

Macaroni and Cheese

2 tabl butter
1/4 cup of flour
2 cups shredded cheese
2 cups milk
1/2lb cooked noodles
salt, pepper

Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and whisk to a smooth paste. Cook for a minute or two over the heat. Whisking constantly with one hand, pour in the milk in a slow steady stream so that no lumps form. It will start to thicken pretty much immediately on the heat. If it gets really thick add more milk 1/4 cup at a time to thin it out a little. You want a nice thick mix. Think a little thinner than yogurt but not as thick as sour cream. Taste the sauce for seasoning. Turn off the heat and then stir in the cheese. Sitr well to melt.

Add in the noodles and you can either eat from here or if you choose to, bake at 425 till the tops is golden brown. Whatever way makes you happy.

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